Nicole Flora

Massage Therapist

The massage magician

You know, it's funny how five little words can hold so much weight, shaping the entire course of our interactions. For over a decade, my life and career solely focused around the pillars of passion, empathy, intuition, and an open mind. Yet, after thirteen years of posing that question to everyone else, I finally turned it inward. 

Through four years of bouncing between this and that, followed by seven years of being in my own solo suite, I constantly heard myself saying: "I'm exhausted." Mentally drained, physically fatigued—it was time for a change. Despite my confidence as a massage therapist, my drive for learning had grown stale, and the absence of a supportive community made me feel incredibly lonely.

Enter Inkvictus—a game-changer in every sense. Suddenly, doors swung open wide, offering avenues for personal and professional growth I'd only dreamed of. Now, not only do I have the chance to expand my skills, but I also get to guide others who might find themselves in a similar boat. My enthusiasm for my craft, my career, and my aspirations has soared beyond my wildest expectations. 

I’m so excited to actually work with this team and see them every day! being a part of such a supportive team is truly something special.

how are you feeling today?

Accepting Clients:   Tuesdays, Wednesdays + Fridays EO Weekend      10am-7pm

*Currently not accepting new massage clients!

see what I'm up to on instagram!!

Before I was a massage therapist I had 2 other passions, coffee and animals. I worked as a barista for 3 years and worked in animal care/vet office for 5 years.

I have never broken a bone (even though I’m really good at trying)

I met my husband on Myspace when I was 19 years old! We got married 17 years later.

I have massaged several famous athletes, including Wool E Bull.

I have tattoos on over 40% of my body (and more to come).

I have several clients who have been with me since my first massage job.

fun facts

What I'm all about

client care

My clients have, and always will, come first! No matter who you are, you should feel heard, and treated as an individual. Everyone is different and should be treated as such. I take the time to
listen, evaluate, make a plan, and work towards your individual goals. Massage is not a “one
size fits all” treatment. I truly care about each and every person who comes to see me, whether
it's only once, or every week.

knowing my sh*t

I pride myself on my education, both in and out of the classroom. My Therapeutic Massage program alone has over 500 hours of instruction. I have extensive knowledge on not only
anatomy, but psychology, kinesiology and ethics, and I grow and learn with every client I see. I
love how my career challenges me, and asks questions I didn't know I had. And when I don't know the answer, I will go out of my way to research and find out.

helping others succeed

As a “well seasoned” MT, I love seeing others in my field grow. I will gladly show and teach any of my skills to anyone with the passion to learn. After building a successful business, I have helped many other MTs do the same, by using my successes and failures to guide them. Here

at Inkvictus, I am excited to help this entire wellness community that we have built to succeed
as well.

the things that drive me

my friends + family

My friends and family (including my fur babies) are a daily presence in my life. When I’m out of
the office, you can find me out on an adventure with my best friend, my husband Thomas.Whether we are out for a ride on the motorcycle, at the lake for a day on the boat, or off to
Carolina beach for the weekend, it's always a good time.

Interested in booking a service with 


Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
+ Every Other Saturday + Sunday

Nicole's schedule is currently full, and she's unable to accommodate new clients. But don't worry, you can still join her waitlist!